Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lemon Curd and Lemon Curd Tarts

Microwave Lemon Curd

1/2 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup caster sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
200g unsalted butter, chopped

Combine ingredients in a microwave safe bowl, cook, stirring with a whisk after each minute cooking, on medium (50%) for 2 minutes and low (25%) for 6 minutes. Place bowl in a sink of cool water (stops cooking process) and whisk curd until cool.

Lemon Curd Tarts

Short sweet pastry
Lemon curd, cooled
Melted white chocolate

It's as easy as, blind bake pastry cases, fill with lemon curd, chill in the fridge for an hour, cover with chocolate and chill for 10 mins or more. Yum!

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