Monday, July 28, 2014

10 day blogging challenge - Day 9

I had a weeny bit of a break - recipes, work and 'Things I'm loving' getting in the way, but I didn't want to leave this unfinished.
Day 9: Two emotions that describe my life right now.

There's a baby on the way!
I'm excited about so much and there's a lot of excitement around me from many, but most of all from big sister Leah.
Can't wait to start this next little chapter of our lives.

The other emotion that I feel is reluctance. Based around the same major life event I'm really not looking forward to not working for 6 months - financially and career wise. I hate being out of the game for that long. But, what a good reason to be huh? I'm sure once I look into this new little girls eyes I won't even think about what I'm missing out on.

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