Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mr T

Teacher. Through and through. I remember playing 'school' with my nana when I was a kid, and how I would have loved her to have seen me graduate with my Bachelor in Teaching. I started in a classroom having just turned 20, like a few days before school began, and I've had highs and lows, but it's what I love. When things are going right, I love teaching. It's what I'm meant to be doing, and I love it.

Traditions. I've been really big on ensuring that our girls have traditions and things they love about their childhood. Every birthday, easter and christmas have traditions and I love making memories with them. It's one of the best parts of being a parent I think.

Thankful. I have to be, right? Great, great things in my life, and I'm very thankful for all of them.

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