Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Beautiful Beeeeeeeeeeee

Badass. Or at least I try to be. I don't mean in the 'I ride a motorbike and have a tonne of tough stickers' kinda way, although I do have a few tattoos. I just mean that I say what I think most of the time, sometimes with little thought of how it will reflect on myself. I actually struggle with this, particularly with my profession, as I feel I should be more reserved at times. More often than not, this internal struggle is worked out with 'fuck it' and deciding that to be true to myself and what I think is the best way about it. Most people appreciate this about me, and those that don't? Meh.

Beauty in all things. Something I like to try and see. I've found that since I took up photography I look at things in a different way than before. I'm often looking a lot harder at things than many people and I revel in the beauty of nature (mostly). I'm a strange creature in that I like the outdoors, but not really so much being in them (at times) so I make the most of it when I'm out and about. This has seen my clumsy arse walk into or fall over things many a time.

Better and better. I'm all about self improvement - mentally, physically (not that you'd know), academically, spiritually. I believe it's what we're all here for - to become the best version of ourselves. I try my damn hardest to be mine and go balls to the wall with anything I decide to do. Putting this pressure on myself if hard at times, and I get grumpy at myself when I take breaks, but it all evens out somewhere. I think if we're all heading in the right direction of self improvement, then it doesn't matter which path or journey we take, or how long it takes us to get there, as long as we're moving.

Beautiful. That's a hard one to write sadly, it should be the easiest. But as the last paragraph says, we're all on a journey, and I'm on one to accept myself and my body as beautiful. It's a hard road! It's especially hard to catch yourself when you're so used to making sarcastic comments about how you look. But I'm determined (whoops, should keep that for D!) to be a woman that's comfortable in her own skin and whose confidence reiterates that. I will get there!

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