Friday, July 15, 2016

Excellent E


In all that I do. I'm a bit of a contradiction really because I'm very opinionated and I like to voice my opinion, but I'm also quite easy going. I don't force my opinions on anyone - other than to listen to my bullshit, lol, and I try to stay clear of outwardly judging others (much harder to stop altogether, in my brain I judge almost automatically). I think this is why Damien and I work so well together. We both don't give too many shits about anything, and when we do we can just casually talk about it.


Tattoos. Horror movies. Nintendo gaming. Rottweilers. Disney. Skulls. I'm a fan girl, that's for sure. And the minute you begin talking about anything that I'm into I will be your best friend. I often make a high pitched squealy noise when I'm super excited and my hands move double time.


This is actually something that I'd like to display more. I have such an outward demeanor of non-chalance and sarcasm that I hide how enthusiastic I am about things sometimes. For fear of being judged usually.


Deep down, whether I'm still enjoying teaching in the current climate or not, I love to teach. I am attracted to any information about teaching or working with kids even when I'm not looking for it. Deep down, I'm a teacher.

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