Monday, July 29, 2013

“I’m always thinking about what I’m missing. Even when I’m happy with what I have.”

Day 12: Something that you miss.

I miss lots of things - Leah's little newborn toes, Dad's laugh, the smell of my Nana's house, good reality television (Rock of love...yes, I said it), Georgie pie kid's club (you bring back the pies but not the club McDonalds? Not freakin' acceptable) and most importantly I miss sleeping in until ridiculous hours on a Saturday morning.

Along that vein I was talking to a friend the other day about how I really miss my spare time being a mother. Now I'm pretty good at using the time I have, really good. 3 people have asked me in the last week if I sleep, so I must be doing something right, lol. But I do miss being able to waste time just for wasting time's sake...and not after Leah's bedtime either but any old time I liked. I suppose in a way I should be thankful that I now use my time more wisely and more productively, but gosh it was nice to be able to play video games for an entire day, or sleep in until midday, or watch an entire TV series back to back on a lazy Sunday. 

Those were the days....but these new days with Leah cuddles and gardening and maintaining a house... that's just another chapter. I'm sure I'll miss these days at some stage too.

1 comment:

Neetz said...

haha . laughed at that cup about the co-worker being hot! :) haha.

Great post.