Sunday, July 28, 2013

Biggest pet peeve?

Day 8: Biggest Pet Peeve
(whoops I missed day 8 out earlier in the week - went straight from 7 to 9. Here it is :))


I hate mess. I'm forever decluttering and picking things up. I find it really hard to relax if there are things that need doing, which can be a big pain. It's also really hard with a 2 year old running around, but we manage.

I've found that the best defense is a great offense here and am a manic organiser. I try to have systems and a place for everything so that we avoid as much mess as possible. It doesn't always work but I'm sure it helps!

1 comment:

Ms F said...

I so wish you lived at my house. I hate mess too, but am obviously not as motivated to do much about it!