Saturday, July 20, 2013

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort."

Day 3: What makes you happy?

I 100% believe the title quote of this post (which BTW is from 'Eat, pray, love', alright book, terrible movie) - quite simply, that happiness comes from within, you have to choose it. I haven't been very good at choosing it lately. Or should I say, it's been feeling a bit more difficult to choose happiness lately, but grey skies seem to be clearing.

Mostly, when all else fails, it's my family that makes me happy - Damien, Leah and Jake - and also my mum. And in all reality, I have a tonne of things to be happy about, I'm healthy and so are the three main 'people' in my life, I have a beautiful home and everything I need to be happy. As the quote below says, sometimes I need to stop...and think happy. I think the other thing it needs to say (sorry Buddha, I clearly know more than you) is that happiness does not depend on the hand that you've been dealt, but how you deal with it.
 In my 100 Day Project I've been taking a photo of each day of something (mostly little things) that make me happy. You can check it out here. It's been a good reminder to take notice of those things in everyday life that make us happy and we should be thankful for - a yummy dinner, my little girls ringlets, beautiful nature. I like taking notice of the things that make me smile and remembering them in a photo.

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