Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Bat your eyes girl, be otherworldly. Count your blessings. Seduce a stranger. What's so wrong with being happy?"

Day 8:  A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

Right now.

What's not to love about my life?  I have the most wonderful husband I could imagine.  He's my best friend, he's caring, loving, considerate - all those wonderful things love is made of.
I have a beautiful new daughter who is the best looking baby I've ever seen. I didn't think you could love something other than a rottweiler puppy straight away but when I met Little Miss I knew I was mistaken. Every day she surprises me with new things she can do and makes me love her more and more with every smile.
And I have two wonderful pets that enrich my life with the little quirky things they do and their unconditional love - the dog that is, we all know cats only love you when they want something!
And not only do I have an incredible immediate family of the furry and not so furry that live in my household.  I have a great family and a wonderful group of friends who I've met in lots of different ways in my life.  
I'm a lucky person to have all these awesome people around me.  I'm happy. xox

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