Saturday, November 5, 2011

101 Challenge

I finally completed my 101 Challenges list and it's now up over on the '101 Challenge' page tab!

I am officially doing this birthday to birthday (19th January) but I have started some things already. I thought seeing as I'm a new first time mum AND I'll be going back to work in February that I might get a little bit of grace with my extra two months! I'm just too excited about some of the things not to start them now.

Seeing that I'm already nerdy and do that book list thing I've already crossed that one out.  I won't be documenting the challenges in the book as such but I do keep lists etc in there.  I'm going to document what I've done here as it's much easier and more environmentally friendly (won't need to print out photos for the book) :)

Again... I am SO excited about this.  It's kind silly really. :D
I hope some others might join in with me and let me know how they're going with their challenges.  I know Jazzyboo is over at her blog.

1 comment:

Jazzyboo said...

Thats my FIRST EVER blog referal!! haha Thats so exciting thanks so much!! xx