Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Strangely enough...

...I've just crossed this off,
which  makes me a little bit excited! Excited for all the new possibilities.

I'm getting to crunch time with my 101 list now and I vividly recall about a year ago needing to fill in 101 spots of challenges. It would seem that in my need to complete the list I've put some things on there that aren't as exciting as I thought to begin with and I'm now struggling to get through them. But I will do it! 

Anywho, I've learned a lot about making a list having now (nearly) gone through one. The #1 thing I've learned is that the longer the list the more things on it that are just 'fillers', so next year's list is a teeny 52 items. 52 things in 52 weeks (an idea I came across in the blogosphere sometime this year. #2 is to not be afraid to change things in and out - hence why I've started it early, to give myself time to do this editing. And #3, try to make as many of the items as achievable as possible. Yes they're challenges, but lets face it, I'm a wife, mother and full time teacher too!  There's only so much I can do!

I'm so excited about the things that I'm putting on there though. I started the list about a month ago and have been adding things to it here and there. Some are easy(ish) like;
- Get my full license (hilarious at 26 I know!)
- Go to the dermatologist (something I keep putting off)

Others are going to be more difficult I imagine;
- Save up for a Kitchen Aide mixer
- Cull my cookbooks
- Learn how to use photoshop

1 comment:

boysmum2 said...

well done, I have a list of 100 that I started in 2010, 2 years later and I am nowhere near through it like you are. Maybe now I have some free time I need to achieve more. Look forward to seeing what you have on your new list soon