Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I have been ticking along....promise

I have somewhat fallen off the blogging band wagon recently.  I'm gonna call it SAD because of all the bad weather today and the fact that for the past 3 weeks I've been going to work and coming home in dark - yuck!  Luckily, the 21st of June has passed and it's all up an onward to summer now - YAY.  I love spring so can't wait for September.

In saying that, I have been ticking along doing my 101 challenge and  will be back onto 'things I'm loving' this Friday. So much easier while I'm on school holidays.

Just to prove that I've been keeping up with my 101 things, here are some stats and updates for you;


  • 26 complete challenges complete, 75 to go.
  • Of those 75 still to complete there are 20 challenges underway (I've begun to work on them in some way).
  • I'm really worried 3 won't be done...but am trying to hatch a plan to at least get them started or have a plan in place at the completion of the year I've set myself.
Hmmm... more than half a year done and less than half of the challenges complete or ont he way to completion... scary.  Time to get my A into G.

Today I completed the following;
And just to prove it;

And there are a couple of things I've been working on in the past week that I just need to complete. Luckily for me it's the holidays! Here is another I completed today;


boysmum2 said...

Good on you for attempting to finish them. I wouldn't like to know what the stats are for my challenges I set in 2010, I didn't complete them by set date in 2011, so good luck and here's hoping you finish all yours.

Ms. Kate said...

Thanks boysmm2, that's encouraging. :) I'm a big one for to do lists and making sure I tick everything off but there are def some there that at the mo just seem very 'too hard basket'.