Friday, April 17, 2015

Things I'm Loving

It's been a long time between posts in this series. I decided to give 'Things I'm Loving' a rest for a while because I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I found I was scrounging for things to find, and it shouldn't be that way. I've tried to revive it a couple of times between now and then to no avail, but I'm hoping this will be the push to get it going again.

Firstly, I'm loving feeling better. I was feeling super drained towards the end of the term, and the holidays have really perked me up again. It's amazing what spending some time with friends and having some 'me' time can do in such a short amount of time.

Super loving this photo of first time on a swing for this girl. She's such a cheery little thing. We've had a trying time with her and sleep recently (although tough for us is probably nothing compared with others, we're such wusses!) but seeing her little smiley face (at an appropriate time of the day) means you can't help but love her to bits.

Also loving 'Murder Burger' milkshakes. Burger was OK, although I wouldn't go for the Wild boar bacon number again. I prefer my bacon super normal thank you very much.

Loving this big girl and the fact that she pretty much always spells her name correctly, it's just that sometimes H and S sound so much alike! I love that she loves learning. I intrinsically do things with her, sometimes without realising it. and she loves to learn, and boy can she ask a question!

And last but not least...I'm looking forward to planning a trip to go and do this. Eeeep!

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