Thursday, January 30, 2014

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

Day #7: Your five pet peeves.

Now I know, I know... I skipped day 6. BUT, I've written about that exact thing before AND it's a moot point in my opinion.

So today I entertain you with my pet peeves.

#1: Using every single tool in the kitchen and every lid or container open as you go when cooking a meal. Now, I can go full Gordon Ramsey on this one at times as I'm veeeery much a 'clean as you go' kinda gal. My husband on the other hand, is the former. We have a rule in the house that (usually) if one person cooks the other cleans up (having a baby has changed this somehow but it's a good rule none the less) and this was so unfair. Hubby might have to clean a pan and put away the dishes we ate on. I, on the other hand need to take an industrial approach to cleaning - open cans and containers left strewn across the bench, dirty utensils left where they were last used and nothing even close to tidy. How hard is it to put a lid on when you're done?

#2: Basic grammatical errors. Yes, I know what you're going to say, and I don't care. If you are an adult and you're using facebook or other social media where you're having to type your thoughts coherently, please do so using correct grammar at least most of the time. I admit, I don't always have things exactly right (but I'm pretty f***kin' close!), but I at least have the basics right - your/you're, two/to/too, their/there etc. It's not rocket science people. Learn it!

#3: Over manscaping. I like my dudes to be dudes. Now, again, don't get me wrong...I like a guy who looks after himself. You gotta smell good and not look as though you've been living in a trash can for the past few years, but other than that - Be a man! Grow hair! Have stubble! Be clean, but be manly.

#4: Using the word 'gay' to describe something other than homosexuality or happy. This poster pretty much sums up my feelings here. It makes you look dumb... when (most likely) you aren't.
#5:Facebookers that write mysterious statuses (stati... statee.... *insert plural of 'status' here) so that people will ask them questions. You know the ones 'Oh this is hopeless....', 'You're not going to get me down!' etc etc. I get it, you want some attention. Surely though there are better ways of getting it. Post a funny saying, a cute video, a provocative news story - SOMETHING ELSE!

And I'm probably guilty of all of these. Whoops! I try not to, I promise. I also try not to judge so please take the list in the nature it was intended. To make you laugh. We all have stuff that grinds our gears, it's how we react to it that makes us who we are.


1 comment:

Ms F said...

You've inspired me to whinge about some of mine...

Lotion/perfume hawkers at malls. Don't ask me if I want a sample if my arms are full of shopping, and don't bark out a chipper greeting if I am trying my best to avoid eye contact with you. I will continue to ignore you. After all I could be deaf for all you know.
Inconsiderate drivers who don't indicate properly, sit in the fast lane below 100km, changes lanes just to cut in front of you one place ahead at the lights... I could go on because I am a perfect drover lol
When people don't edit photos they put on FB - and I don't mean digital editing, I mean uploading ALL 275 photos they took on a night out, including several blurry ones you can't make out or 4 photos of basically the same thing.
I could go on. Perhaps I should be making my own blog post :) OR DOING THIS CHALLENGE!?