Friday, August 2, 2013

"If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing"

Day 16: What's your biggest accomplishment?

I thought and thought and thought about this one and I think I would have to say my biggest accomplishment is becomming a mumma. Because, let's face it....that is some accomplishment right there.

Firstly, you're pregnant. Now I had an awesome pregnancy really. Not too much nausea (around 5 days), about 2 weeks of pelvic pain around 20 weeks and then some serious heart burn in the later stages but I was let off pretty lightly when I hear some of the other horror stories - nausea for 40 weeks straight, restless nights and diabetes. I was very happy with my baby growing body. It even spurred me into a cleaning frenzy around about 37 weeks. I mean, I'm a cleaning machine as it is but man, I cleaned my house from TOP to BOTTOM and did a bunch of other crazy crafty 'get ready for baby stuff'. It was intense and great. I'd like to bottle that motivation and sell it use it for world domination.

Then there's the small portion of time where baby needs to make their way out of your body. You don't like to think about this much when you're pregnant (or at least I didn't) but it's coming. One way or another they're making it out. Again, I got off lightly, but I bet you've heard some of those stories - labour for a week, blood everywhere, pain like you can't imagine...blah blah blah.
I tell you what, no matter how it happens, no matter how horrible it might be...once they put that beautiful little person in your arms, nothing else matters. Pain ebbs away, hours are forgotten. All there is in the world is you and that little person, and they're just incredible. You did that!

The more they grow and the more they do the more your heart swells. Being a mother is amazing. I love Leah more and more with every breath she takes.

Every little thing she does is magic.
xox Love you chicken <3

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