Sunday, December 9, 2012

"All you need is a library and a garden...."

....well I've always had a library. One that may be getting somewhat culled next year. Watch this (52 things in 52 weeks) space. But since I can remember I've killed everything I've tried to grow. Here's hoping this doesn't happen this time!

You remember my wonderful tomato plant right? I blogged about it in a Things I'm loving a few weeks back as it was growing. Shock horror! But, as things like doing when I try to grow them, it went kaput... see exhibit A. Yellowing leaves, sad looking once again.

Step in PINTEREST to save the day. When has it not, right?
We're hopefully moving soon, putting our place on the market in January of February. So I didn't want to plant anything that I couldn't take with me. What better way to do this that with a pallet garden.


Thank you to my wonderful husband for finding me a pallet and then nailing in the side thingees.

On and because I've planted tomatoes, chives, basil, Rosemary and Thyme I guess I can do this. Boom!

1 comment:

Angela said...

We have started small with our garden and it feels so good! Although slightly less good now that I see yours...since our old tyres aren't nearly as nice-looking, ;)

I hope yours thrives!