Thursday, July 18, 2013

For reals!

OK. I know, I know. I've just one of these... 'don't you have anything better to do?'. Trust me now dear readers, there's method to my madness. I have a 52 in 52 goal to 'blog on a more consistent basis' and to do so I need to make time to blog. Yes I have just completed a 30 day challenge... but I did it over 2 and a bit months, this one I'm doing on 31 consecutive days (iamiamiamiamiamiam!) that I make time to blog. Otherwise I cannot morally cross off my goal to 'blog on a more consistent basis'. It is also my hope that it will put the blog back at the forefront of my mind and that I make it a priority...after all my other more important priorities, you know, like being a mum and wife, feeding myself and making sure I've put mascara on not one but two sets of my eyelashes (yep, happened).

So here we go again!

Day 1: Self Portrait and 5 random facts about yourself.

#1: I used to ten pin bowl when I was a child. I was in a children's team league with three others (names I cannot recall) and I have certificates for the first time I scored a 50 game. Hah! I also tried bowling in a league again more recently in 2009 forming a duo with my sister. Our team was called 'Le Sorelle' (the sisters) and during our time we reigned supreme and won the competition and I scored my best game of all time - 206.

#2: I spent my youth playing video games on an old computer which was the more well known 'Commodore 64's big brother - the Amiga 500. My dad, being the pirate condoning man he was, would bring a huge, I'm talking HUGE list of game titles from a workmate of his. My brother and I would highlight all the games we wanted and send it back to said pirate. In about 3 weeks our booty would arrive. Floppy disk after floppy disk of games, hundreds of the buggers and we would spend hour upon hour playing and clocking these games. I get very nostalgic seeing screenshots of games such as Rodland, Street Rod, Krusty's super fun house, Bart VS the space mutants. Ahh memories.

#3: I make a mean cookies and cream cheesecake.

#4: I'm not good at talking on the phone for extended periods of time. I know it's supposed to be a girlie thing to be able to do so with skill and precision but I've tried and I can't. My best friend and sister (both of which are great specimens of the accomplished skilled creatures I speak of) will both tell you I will try to get you off the phone if you call for a catch up. Sorry!

#5: I'm a seven year old boy trapped in a nearing 30 year old's body. And by that I mean I love Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs, cavemen, prehistoric monsters... I dig BC what can I say?

Looking forward to the next 30 day ladies and gents <3

1 comment:

boysmum2 said...

good luck with this challenge, I have always wanted to do this 30/31 day challenge but have not got there yet. I look forward to reading more about you