I didn't plan on this happening really, it just kinda did. Actually, I lie, I have my husband to thank. One rainy day a few weeks back he decided to fire up the old Super Nintendo to play Street Fighter and Leah became interested. He then changed the cartridge to a more suitable game for a 4 year old, 'Yoshi's Island' and began to show her what to do. She loved it!
Over the next few weeks Leah asked if she could play some more and I've been showing her a few different games, but she's actually decided that she really likes to watch for now and prides herself on knowing everything there is to know about 'Rainbow islands', one of mummy's favourites that is currently played on a nightly basis. It's
I'd still really like to get the Wii U up more and clock 'Pikmin 3' and also get cracking on 'Kingdom Hearts' on the DS but for now I'm content with trying to clock a game that I've been working on since I was 5. I also love that I can share this love with Leah, as I know many happy hours of my life as a child was spent watching my big brother play Amiga. They're fond memories. The catalyst behind this goal was to reignite my love of gaming, and not find it a chore (how silly was tackling gaming like it was something I had to do!). So even though I know 'Pikmin 3' is lurking there (I bought a $500 odd console to play the bloody thing!), at the moment I want to play what I want to play... and that's OK by me.
Another goal bites the dust!