Friday, October 5, 2012

Things I'm Loving

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
I missed last week so this might be a big one...

Loving that I decided to keep going with Leah I could stop! You can see a weekly collage on the 52 to Two tab on your top right.

I LOVE my courier lady. Not only did she bring me three gorgeous items from Punk Baby but also the long awaited (it only took 20 days... mummy was impatient) shutterfly book of Leah's first year - all the way from America.

I love the book so much. It was one thing to see it on the screen once I'd finished it and flick through the pages digitally, but to have the physical copy is amazing. Mummy had a wee tear in her eye the first time she looked through it, all 111 pages of it!

Also loving that the holidays have meant that I'm able to start my new 'Year Two' book. Here's one of the first pages.

I love my eldest niece that turned 16 (yes, 16!!!) last week. She's become a beautiful and intelligent  young lady who I know is going to make us all proud. <3

I love walks in the gardens with my favourite people, sushi and beautiful cherry blossom trees with a beautiful model.

I'm loving the holidays and getting plenty of blogging and 101 challenging out of the way.

The holidays give me time to spend with one of my best and oldest friends which I love. Not sure she was too happy with a munchkin stealing her purse though... especially since said munchkin was not strong enough to really carry it...

I love Kiwiyo. Granted... my pottle had a small amount of youghurt and a HUGE amount of lollies (which is an expensive was to buy lollies) but I think the idea is very clever. You should check one out. Nom nom!

And last, but certainly not least. I love this photo of the two dearest people to me and the genuine smile on my gorgeous husbands face. <3


Miriam said...

What an awesome book - you are going to treasure that book so much and so will your little lady. Have a great weekend

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

I just love the book (did you get the idea from Kelle Hampton - I made a book for our family adventures in 2010 with hers as inspiration)...and the photos of your wee gal in her tutu with that blossom...stunning :-)