Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Happiest 5k on the Planet

And it sure is!

I'm so happy, tired and excited to cross this one off my list.

Strangely enough, even with my new found love of walking and steps, this 'run' wasn't about exercise for me. It was about the happiness and positivity that The Colour Run stands for, and MAN did it deliver. I had a smile on my face all morning at the event and all day since. It was radiating happy.

The more I am part of and observe interactions between others as I make my way through life the more I'm sure that with a little bit more positivity and a little less haste to jump in and be a wet blanket, the world would be a better place. The Colour Run represents that happiness and positivity we need to bring to everything we do and we need to think about before we say anything.

If I'm sounding too much like a hippy I don't apologise for it. I know for a fact when I choose this attitude, things go right. And, if they don't, I'm better equipped to deal with them - with a smile. Smile. Have fun. Joke around. Have a laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously. Work hard. Do what makes you happy. Do what makes others happy (cuz here's a secret - that'll make you happy too!).

Anyway, enough of me harping on. It's awesome. I'm awesome... and these photos are beyond awesome. They're some of my faves. I took over 600 today, luckily I have a 'second' camera.

 Enjoy xo

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