Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tasty Tuesday - Getting rid of my baking

This healthy eating thing is great, don't get me wrong, but my love of baking has taken a bit hit since I began. This is because I don't want rouge sugar laden goodies hanging out in my fridge and pantry for Damien and I to devour. Out of sight, out of mind. The problem being that I really miss it. The baking that is (OK, and eating it too) and I want to continue to refine my baking skills. 

So because of this my poor workmates are being targetted.  I informed them this week that I need them to help me continue my good blogging of recipes and eat these sugar laden goodies. They were most upset... not. It's good because 1) I still get the make the things, 2) I'm even able to have a weeny bit and a taste and 3) it makes those around me larger thus making me look thinner.... right? Lol.

This week's sugar laden goodie comes to us courtesy of a site entitled 'Chocolate and more' so you know it's good for you. I made these delicious Turtle bars which are super easy to slap together and (the reports back tell me) are absolutely delicious (just kidding, of course I tried it! Twice!).  You can find the recipe for them here.

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