Friday, October 7, 2011

Things I'm loving...

1) Nutella cookies!  I must say I was a little bit skeptical about these as they were so simple, but they're yum!  Got the recipe off pinterest of course!  Here is the link to the actual website here.

2) Having waited for bubba's birth I'm happy that I finally have some photos in this frame Mr. Man bought me for Xmas 2010.  Yay! It's Little Miss with her brother Jake, one with mummy and one with daddy <3

3) Loving having a great day with my Aunty Shreyl and Great Aunty Glen.  Leah got to have cuddles too :)

4) Loving reading old love letters from my grandfather to my nana and looking through old photos at Aunty Sheryl's place. On the back of a photo with my nana at 16 and two navy boys it reads "They were very nice boys, we only held hands. No kissing in those days".  Had a good chuckle at that.  

Also got to look at the baby books my nana kept for two of my Aunties.  Was amazing to see.  LOVE!

5) I had my engagement and wedding rings sized this week and got them back today.  Feel soooo much better about having them back on my finger where I know they are all the time and aren't afraid of them falling off a chain around my neck.

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