Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"I hope you don't mind that I put down in words...how wonderful life is now you're in my world."

Day One: You current relationship.

I wrote about how Mr. Man and I met here, and that is a cute little yarn,  but I'll take any chance I get to talk about the man I'm spending my life with <3

!!!Cliche' alert!!! 

I married my best friend 10 months ago and we just had our first baby last month.  We've been together for 5 years and I could probably count on one hand the amount of serious fights we've had. We just fit and I think others looking in see this when they see us together.

Back in 2006 I had just completed my Bachelor of Education and started teaching at a great little school in Otara, Auckland. One month into my teaching career I met the love of my life and we had a cute little date at a local cafe. That's all it took - he had me.  And I'm pretty sure I'd worked enough of my fantastic charms on him too.

Since then we've pretty much been inseparable. A few months into it he moved into my parents' house with me.  My parents loved him.  So much so in fact, a few months before my father died he sat me down for a "little talk" on how he would like things to go - I was to "marry that boy". We bought our first house about a year later and moved in on the 7th day of the 7th month 2007.

Since that day we've been through a few work places, a few celebratory parties and a few flatmates! We got engaged in May of 2009 which was just a small affair at our house, sitting in front of the TV - very low key, very us. As was our wedding in January of this year - surrounded by a few family and friends in the beautiful Bombay Hills, south of Auckland.

Having lived together for 4 years now you would expect us to be in somewhat of a rut...and yes things have become what I would refer to as 'routine'.  I think a lot of people see this as a bad this for some reason (?), whereas I quite like it.  We just exist together and I couldn't be happier. He sees when I need him and I (hope I) do the same for him - whether it be a cuddle, a listening ear or a hand cooking the sausages (I suck at it!).  We know what makes each other tick, smile, laugh, grumpy, excited and we always try to make the other happy.

I read somewhere that 'Happiness is when you marry your best friend' and I've done that. Lucky me!
I have my girl friends and they're great but no one truly knows me like he does.  I can be completely myself with him and that makes me feel safe. He is my rock.  I wouldn't be where I am today without him and I cringe to think what I would do without him - hopefully I'll never know.

I love how I don't have to work hard at my relationship, or... it doesn't feel like hard work. I enjoy doing little things to make him smile.  Making a batch of muffins, letting him sleep in on the weekend (and removing the noisy dog and child from the room so he's able to do so), making him breakfast in bed.  I don't see that as working hard  because they're things I just want to do.  It makes me feel good making him happy. Win win!

So all in all, in regards to my current relationship - I am thrilled!  What more could I ask for? Because of that I'm thrilled with how my life is turning out in general.  I can be positive about the past, the now and the future, I can dream about what great things we have coming up and I can be content in the now. I hope we're one of those couples people look at and think, "Wow, they just have it.  They've found that love thing"...

...because we have.

1 comment:

Mel Notley said...

Wow Kate... inspiring and WELL SAID. <3