Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

I have borrowed this idea from Simone ( who I believe got it from here.

I am also getting HEAPS of inspiration from Mama Kat too ( - have even signed up to the writing prompts :).

Today's post:
What would your 85-Year-Old Self say to your Today-Self?
Imagine. Pretend you are 85 and look at your life from that lofty height.
And give yourself some advice.

I decided being fairly young (although I don't feel it at times) and often feeling guilty for not doing or being enough that taking some advice from what will be a very wise old lady would be a great idea.  Here I go;


Dear Young Self,

First things first, slow down! Things will get done. It's not going to be the end of the world if you don't get everything done the minute it gets put in your lap and trust me, the house will get tidied up at some point. Take in the scenery around you, make sure you make good memories and for gods sake take lots of photos, yes, even more than you already are.  I'll be glad you did!

Get out there, there is still so much not only of your own country you haven't seen but of your own city. Get out from behind that computer, get out to new places and slow down and take it all in. Take that gorgeous dog and gorgeous husband with you.  Enjoy it.  Enjoy life.

Eat more vegetables! It may seem like a good idea to skip on the greens now but what will those children (plural!) think of you? And what are you doing to your body?  You're a creative cook - get in there and find a way that you're going to enjoy eating - again, I'll thank you for it. And on this vein, how about you get doing some more exercise huh? Get moving you! Funnily enough, just having the gym membership doesn't make you exercise more does it? Get rid of the membership and just get moving more - take that dog for a walk, go play a game of cricket at the beach with your brother and sister and their families - anything!  Your future arthritic joints thank you in advance!

Forget about work now and then, you'll still do a great job. It's OK not to be thinking about it and doing things for it every day of the week! Spend some more time with that amazing husband of yours, take the dog for more walks, spend some times with those kids (that's right, plural).

Worry less.  Things work out, they always do. Again, enjoy life. Don't worry about what others think of you - sing like a dork in the car, speak and write your mind, update facebook a thousand times a day, let the weeds grow and don't care!  The people you think are watching probably aren't and the ones that do watch you don't care.

Live every day as if it was your last, and every breath as if it were the same. Hmm.. is that from a song?

Old you xx


Ms F said...

stop making me cry with your posts, Kate.

Simone said...

Hey Ms Kate...
So glad you took this idea and went for it!
that "old you" is pretty awesome - and man you look GOOOOD for 85! hahaha
(advances in science??)

Did you realise there's a linky over on Lyns blog?
You probably did but just in case, go over and link up (the link is on my post) so other people can read your cool post :)

Ms. Kate said...

Thanks Simone! I haven't used one of those before but I have now! Been seeing them from place to place. :) I might even be able to use one myself now!

Lyns said...

Hi Ms Kate, nice to meet you! Loving your letter packed with good advice! xx