Saturday, November 1, 2014

Weeky 10 - Time for a change.

How did I go this week?

1. Look into power companies. Is what we're paying OK or should we change.
I used the What's my Number website and the consumer website that sits alongside it to determine this. Looks like we're not too bad off with our power company. There was a change we could make to save something but it was so minute, I decided it's not worth the hassle as I've found the current company we're with to be quite a good provider to deal with.

2. Take Willow's Month 2 photo.

3. Write a 'month at a glance' blog post.
Here it is. Looking forward to carrying it on!

4. Make jobs board and inside fitness cards for school.

5. Clean showers.

6. De-fruit and prune lemon tree.

7. Finish Cleaning schedule.

8. Complete physical baby books and plunket calendar.

9. Do the first 52 list.

10. Choose 5 cocktails I'm going to learn to make for my 30 before 30 cocktail goal.
I have a huge list... I couldn't pick just 5 lol.

I've decided to retire Weekly 10 for a little while as it's stopped being so helpful and more of a chore now. I'm productive by nature but have found that, at first these lists were helping with that but now they're hindering other things that I might want to do when the fancy takes me. In addition to the Weekly 10 lists I also have another list of smaller tasks on, and I'll be keeping this up of course - I love lists, but at the moment I won't be sharing them.

I really want to focus on some of the 30 before 30 goals and begin to blog about my progress towards them more frequently and I also want to utilise the Mama Kat prompts some more and get some real writing done again. So, Saturday won't be a postless day, it'll just be different. 

Until I need Weekly 10 again. Adieu. xox

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