Monday, April 21, 2014

The bigger the space, the easier it is to forget about mess.

When we moved (last JUNE) I had a plan. The plan was to make the house as stunning as possible, not unlike the beautiful homes showcased on I <3 Organizing and Bowl full of Lemons. That level of organisation just sings to my little OCD heart. 

Unfortunately my 'a bigger house was going to be easier to organise, right? Lots more space means lots more opportunities to organise' mentality was shortly lived. Bigger space meant that I could hide mess or run away from it, as opposed to our old, little house where there was no room to hide!

Well not anymore! It might be my pregnant brain, or it might be my school holiday brain...but whatever it is. I like it.

For the almost a year since we moved in, this is what my linen closet looked like:

But after a short trip to the warehouse and a few hours work over the weekend. Voila!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so close to doing this, I am in the same boat although two years after moving into our bigger house. Drives me nuts and before our next babes is born I need to be more organised than I ever have been - might take a trip down to the red shed to - thanks for the reminder :)