Saturday, January 25, 2014

Things I'm Loving

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is. 

Better late than never! Just sneaking in one day late here and it's been a busy week (or two).

I'm loving that the way my workplace chooses to get us back into school mode is to send us to beautiful places like this and give us time to work together as a whole staff and as teams. Great retreat this year ladies <3

I then loved spending the rest of the week getting my classroom sorted. It's not quite ready yet but it's a lot closer than it was 2 days ago. I love getting my classroom sorted at the beginning of the year. I sat down at my laptop to do some planing a couple of weeks ago and was completely at a loss. Now I've had the time to think and potter around the room I'm rearing to go!

Loved having some mummy and Leah time last Saturday seeing the new Dinosaur display at Butterfly Creek. This little girl is SUCH an independent explorer (I can say this now it's a week after the trip... it was very trying on poor mummy's patience, lol. Head strong... wonder where she gets that from?).

I was very excited to both find this next piece of information out and then to share it with my nearest and dearest on facebook in this way. Oh pinterest, you provide all my good ideas. Cute photo though. Trust me, you don't want to see the blooper reel. 

Oh and I loved catching this quick shot of somebody practising to be a big sister.

What are you loving this week?


Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Ah congratulations that is AWESOME - what a cool way to share the news too! And is that some kind of random water slide in the top pic - looks like heaps of fun! My oldest would LOVE that dinosaur display - we've not made it Butterfly Creek yet but it's on the bucket list :-)

Mandy said...

That is a lovely job application! Love it! & that slide on the first pic is awesome! How much fun that would be!

TracyP said...

Congratulations!! That is the CUTEST announcement ever!!!
Good luck with going back to school!!