Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Liebster Nomination!

A few weeks ago On the 20th of May (!) I got a nomination for a Liebster Award from Clare at Goodness Gracious. Thanks Clare! I wanted to do something about it at the time but we all know things have been hectic around our ways (posts to come about amazing new house.

So here we go...

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What does Liebster mean? Liebster is German meaning dearest.

Here are the rules for receiving...
1.  Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for your plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11  5 people and link them in your post (Clare chose lots of the blogs I follow! So was hard to choose).
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!

My eleven things:

1. I am born, raised and lived all my life in South Auckland (as well as worked there all my working career)...and I tured out alright! Don't believe everything you hear in the media.

2. I have clocked a multitude of Super Mario Games.

3. I love baking but feel like I never have enough time for it. I even bought myself a fancy pantsy kitchen aide earlier this year.

4. I'm ready for baby #2... not to sure about my other half lol.

5. Earlier this year I attended the Black Sabbath concert and I wish I could go to more concerts nowadays. I used to go to a lot more when I was younger.

6. I love strawberries.

7. I like when it's raining at bedtime.

8. Last winter I watched 'Lost' from beginning to end, yep - that's right, 6 seasons of up to 24 episodes each one after the other. Took us about 2 months, but it was worth it... kind of.

9. I can hardly sit still for more than ten minutes, and if I do I have to be doing something while I sit... hence why I took up blogging.

10. I have recently joined Toastmasters NZ and am going to share my 2nd speech in a week's time.

11. Sesame street is good as an adult as well as a child....trust me.

11 questions for my nominations: 
  1. What is your favorite food? Strawberries, or bacon.... strawberry bacon.
  2. Where have you traveled (within or out of country) and what is a favorite memory of that trip? I love Rotorua. There are so many places to explore and a spa pool in every hotel!
  3. What was your first ever blog post about? It was about the blog and taking the big step into the blogging world and why on earth anyone would want to read about me!
  4. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you notice first? Their eyes. I find they usually tell a lot about their personality too.
  5. Who has been an influential person in your life and why? My amazing dad... so many reasons. Read my blog posts about him.
  6. The answer is 6, what is the question? If I have 3 bacon strawberries and I bake 3 more bacon strawberries...how many bacon strawberries do I need to hide from Damien so he doesn't eat them before I do?
  7. How do you relax? Relax? What's that? I'm a teacher... I don't know the meaning of this 'relax' you speak of.
  8. Are you a 'morning person' or a 'night owl'? Morning person.
  9. Describe your favorite teacher at school. Mr Alderton made you love literature. He made you think and he made you know that you could achieve.
  10. What is your favorite music right now? Heavy/Rock/Metal
  11. Do you like answering lots of questions about yourself? NO! lol

Now I found it very hard to pick my 5 blogs (I had to cut it down from 11 and still found 5 difficult!).
Here they are:
Memories, Moments and Musings
Anything is possible
Mama J'adore
A life of charming moments
The ramblings of another mother

And here are your questions...
1. Do you online shop? and if you do, what is your favourite site to buy from?
2. Who is your favourite author?
3. School us with a great quote.
4. Tell us about your blogging style.
5. What are the last 5 books you've read and enjoyed?
6. Are you a dog or a cat person?
7. Describe your high school uniform in depth.
8. How many hours a week do you spend on Facebook?
9. Where is the best place you've ever visited? What made it so special?
10. Summer or winter?
11. How do you feel about my nomination of you for this?


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