Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mahatma Gandhi “The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Day 17: How you hope you future will be like.

Last year for one of my 101 challenges I complete the Life Circle Writing Tasks. It focusses some of your long term goals and ensures that you're working toward a future that you're happy with. It's counter productive to keep doing what you've always done but expecting different results. Action is the key in my opinion.

 It was great. I actually needed a reminder to go back and have a look at what I wrote and what I want to get back on board with here. So this was a good opportunity.

So life circle works like this.
The 'wheel of life' is cut into 8 parts. Each part represents one of the significant parts of your life, as shown above. You then score each section 1 to 10 and comment on each to show yourself which aspects of life you're currently happy with and which you would most like to work on. Then, using this as a basis you write what you want your life to look like in 5 years, under these 8 headings. From there you break this down to what this will look like in shorter periods of time if you're working toward this 5 year goals - what will this look like in 2 years? 1 year? 6 months? I totally recommend doing it. It was really telling and made me do some in-depth thinking making me super happy with the end result and my movements towards it.

So... some of my things? Here's a brief look into what to expect of me in 5 years:
  • Leah will be at school and we'll have another little friend who's about 2 or so...Shivers, better get on to this soon....
  • I will still be teaching but in some sort of different position - librarian, ICT specialist, working with both leading students and teachers.
  • I will be a healthy weight.
  • I will be more comfortable and happy with my appearance.
  • I will be an awesome mum, making sure my kids have awesome experiences and know that mum is there for them always, no matter what.
  • My house will be super organised and neat...most of the time.
  • We will have a bigger house with a nice yard and some outside playing gear for the kids.
  • We will be house proud on many levels.
  • We will live from a budget and have a healthy savings account.
Major stuff huh? Think I can do it? I worry I won't meet it sometimes!

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