Friday, September 7, 2012

Things I'm loving

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

I've been missing out on 'Things I'm loving' for a few weeks as I was busy busy organising a first birthday party, not to mention being sick as a dog - again!  Such bad bugs this year. Anywho, I'm back! Here are the things I'm loving this week...

1. A successful first birthday party. Man was it incredible or what? So totally overwhelmed with the amount of love both Mr. Man and I felt on that day, not to mention our beautiful little lady who's now one. Cannot believe it. Her 365 is also complete and I'm getting through the 'tradition' photos that I want to do. Phew, told you I've been busy busy!

2. I wrote about writing letters to people who inspire me here. This week I got a letter back from one of them - my Year 10 english teacher. Very cool.

3. Seeing that Leah is a 'Stuck on You' VIP!

4. Walking!

5. Loving that my best friend has moved WAY closer so we'll be able to see more of her and her wonderful family. Yay!

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