Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Just because I'm smiling doesn't mean I'm happy."

Day 5: Write about a time you thought about ending your own life.

This is easy.  Never. 

I had a friend who killed themselves when I was in high school though. It's a horrible thing, suicide.  There's always so many questions left unanswered and the sadness that is left behind for family and friends is heartbreaking.

I know in my early teenage years I did get quite upset and sad but I don't think I would call this depression. So I really don't know what people go through or are feeling at the point when they think they have no other options.

All I can say about my life personally is that thank goodness I have such a great family.  My parents got me through my teenage years and Dad and I in particular had many heart to hearts about a variety of things - mostly dick head boyfriends and me wanting to do too much before I was old enough, clubbing, drinking etc. My immediate family are to this day wonderful.  My sister especially has been a rock for me since dad died and now my newly acquired family also does the same - Mr. Man and his family.
I have and always have had a lot of support and for that I'm thankful.  <3

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