Monday, October 31, 2011

This is your brain on drugs...

First of all I jut wanted to apologise for my lack of posting over the weekend.  Busy lady I am what with a newborn and hosting dinner for 10 people.  I think you can give me a little leeway :P

Right, back into it.
Day 3: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

I was never one of these teenagers that got completely off their face every weekend.  That's not to say that I never have had a bender or that I didn't have friends during my teenage years that did... I just thought there was more to things than having a 'great' weekend only to forget it when I woke up the following morning.

I had plenty of friends who thought the only way to have a fun time at parties or even just hanging out on the weekend was to drink and a small handful who thought this way about taking drugs. 
Being a teenager I followed this trend.  Clearly I would not be liked if I didn't drink.  And there were a few times where I needed to be carried to my sleeping destination (Mr. Man will remember one such occurrence quite clearly).  When I got my license I had a bit of an out and would often offer to be the sober driver - which was always amusing, slurred conversations home and wot not.

I can honestly say that drug taking is something I've had little experience with and that I've never really liked drugs at all.  I don't get them.  And what I mean by that is I find it difficult to understand why people need to take them.  I smoked cigarettes throughout my teenage years in what I would describe as a "social" fashion. Smoking also goes hand in hand with drinking as it's something I did when I was younger, so I often feel like I need to smoke when I'm out on the town, drinking or not, for something to do! Luckily I don't get out on the town very much, so I'm now a non-smoker. I do still feel like I need one when I can't cope (which isn't often).  I think the last time I had one because of this was when my dad was really ill. 

Because I enjoy money (Lol) I also didn't like drinking at pubs and clubs. At $7 a pop, three drinks was enough for me a night, especially when I was a student and income was close to nil. This meant that I got pretty flat around 12 or 1am when all of my friends were just getting going.  Enter Party Pills.  A legal high. Now I said before I don't really understand drug taking, and I really don't, but the ones I can somewhat understand people taking are ones that keep you awake.  This is how I got through my clubbing years.  Legal party pills that would keep me awake all night.  I was able to dance for hours and hours and this I liked.
Once I hit 21 I didn't really like that scene anymore and having met Mr. Man I had settled down a bit.  

PHEW! Man I go on!

So, in my round-about way (now I've given you a bit of background) here's what I think about drugs and alcohol;
I don't think people should take drugs unless they are ill or in pain.  Illegal drugs are stupid. They muck with your health - both present and ongoing - and I think that if you 'need to go to another place' there are better ways to do it.  If you don't like your life and you need an 'escape', it'd be better that you worked on making your life a more positive experience rather than just running from it with drug use.
Alcohol is fine as long as you're not getting mashed every day or every weekend and that you are a happy drunk, not a mean one.

I personally don't take any illegal drugs obviously.  Nurofen is about as hard as I get on the legal front (offer me an epidural during child birth and I am in there, lol).  I don't drink very often either.  I sometimes wish I was one of these classy women who know a lot about wine, but alas, I'm not.  Just a lemon, lime and vodka on a very rare occasion and I'm a happy camper.

1 comment:

Cat said...

I have NO idea - seriously NO idea re wine
I drank apple juice and/or bubbly water around Germany
And I'm petrified re the teenage years with a son and drugs and alcohol - I can only but hope I guide my children well