Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Out of the mouths of babes"

Had an amazing staff meeting today.  At the end of every term all the teachers at our school walk around the classrooms and each teacher talks about a celebration that they've had during the Term.  I always love walking around the classrooms as I get heaps of ideas but I especially liked today as it was evident how far we had come with Inquiry learning. Go Team.

One of Mama Kat's writing prompts this week is;
On a piece of paper write down something that makes you happy...take a photo of your paper and wa la...there's your post.

And in our walk around the classrooms today I was gifted with something that made me very happy.  One of our [what I call] little people classrooms had been doing an inquiry about day and night.  One of them had this wonderful gem to say...

...I can't think of anything more true. <3

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