Day 10 - Childhood Memory.
Baking - and lots of it done on this lovely Sunday :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Things I'm loving...
1) Loving my amazing husband who has been incredibly delightful (even more so than usual) in this last week. In fact today he even posted this on my facebook wall (go on 'awww' I know you want to). It's the little things isn't it?
PS: Please excuse my crass editing of his name.
2) Still loving the iPad. Especially loving the cute little snuggie I bought it AND scrabble wars late into the night with said lovely husband!
3) Loving that after all our worry over the last week I had (baby brainly) confused things and the growth scan this week was because I had measured slightly big, not slightly small. Little Miss is in the 60th percentile which means she's slightly above average or as I like to say pretty bloody exceptional! I think you're right doc, she'll always be just a bit more than average this one. ;D
4) Loving the beautiful card I got today for presenting our my school ICT cluster's Mini conference. Very cute.
5) Loving that the hall is on the home stretch to being finished. Not so much loving the bathroom door not being attached all week - can't win 'em all!
6) Loving ante-natal class! Learning lots and not so scared of labour anymore. Thanks Esther!
PS: Please excuse my crass editing of his name.
2) Still loving the iPad. Especially loving the cute little snuggie I bought it AND scrabble wars late into the night with said lovely husband!
3) Loving that after all our worry over the last week I had (baby brainly) confused things and the growth scan this week was because I had measured slightly big, not slightly small. Little Miss is in the 60th percentile which means she's slightly above average or as I like to say pretty bloody exceptional! I think you're right doc, she'll always be just a bit more than average this one. ;D
4) Loving the beautiful card I got today for presenting our my school ICT cluster's Mini conference. Very cute.
5) Loving that the hall is on the home stretch to being finished. Not so much loving the bathroom door not being attached all week - can't win 'em all!
6) Loving ante-natal class! Learning lots and not so scared of labour anymore. Thanks Esther!
Things i'm loving
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Day 9: Someone you love
PS: I know I've been slack with my normal posts of late. I plan to remedy this soon...pregnancy getting the better of me at the moment - pregnancy and laziness!
PS: I know I've been slack with my normal posts of late. I plan to remedy this soon...pregnancy getting the better of me at the moment - pregnancy and laziness!
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Things I'm Loving....the Pepe edition.
This is the baby edition of 'Things I'm loving' ('Pepe' = baby in Maori).
I've had one week off work and have finally got the baby's room looking preeeetty much the way I want it. So here we go...
1) I'm loving all my fabulous family and friends who came to Baby Shower #2 on Sunday just gone. VERY spoiled again and had a great time.
Thank you to everyone who came, especially those who braved the 'Chocolate bar in nappy' game.
2) I'm loving my Mum and Sister - more than usual. They organised a great baby shower and I know everyone who came had a good time. Andrea - those chocolate bars where melted to perfection in those nappies, bravo! Special thanks to my beautiful mother who hosted the party and cleaned and prepared our family bassinet (see next).
3) I'm loving our family bassinet which is now expectedly waiting for a baby to fill it. I used this bassinet as a baby and so did my brother and 2 sisters. I'm not entirely sure of it's origins but I know we're not the only babies that have used it - nice little traditions make me all warm and fuzzy inside.
4) I'm loving the completed collection of scrapped nursery rhymes. 'Once I caught a fish alive' and 'Mary, mary quite contrary' have been finished for a month or two now and I've just knocked the last two out yesterday and today - VERY happy with them as a whole collection. Cute cute cute!
The collection is...
- 'Once I caught a fish alive'
- 'Mary, mary quite contrary'
- 'Twinkle, twinkle little star'
- 'Mary had a little lamb'
- 'Starship Lullaby' by Tiki Taane
- 'Humpty Dumpty'
5) I'm loving that fact that in 6 weeks(ish) I'll be able to dress a little bubba in all these little clothes! And yes, I'm under no illusion that the tidiness of this cupboard will not be intact when I start dressing said little bubs.
6) Loving the fact that I saw this idea on and actually did what I said I would do and went out and got my own printed!
7) I'm loving the (pretty much) finished baby room!
PS: Thank you to Paisley Jade for the use of her little 'Things I'm loving' badge for the last little bit. Am planning on making my own at some stage but just haven't got around to it just yet.. am thinking something with my chalk photography.... hmmm.
Things i'm loving
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
A joke that has always made me laugh...
Inspired by another of Mama Kat's wonderful prompts:
Share a joke that always makes you laugh.
This one is from my dad - who always told and laughed at his own jokes. I love 'silly dad' things. I continually ask Mr. Man if he's going to do silly dad things with our children - he's got a few up his sleeve I think...
Back to the joke!
On car rides dad would always say this when we were going past a cemetery;
Dad: (Seriously) Did you know, that cemetery is the exact middle of.... (insert name of place we were driving through)?
Everyone else in the car: Wow, really?! (we had to sound surprised even if we knew what ensued)
Dad: Oh yeah, it's the Dead Centre (Dad laughing while the rest of us rolled our eyes).
Share a joke that always makes you laugh.
This one is from my dad - who always told and laughed at his own jokes. I love 'silly dad' things. I continually ask Mr. Man if he's going to do silly dad things with our children - he's got a few up his sleeve I think...
Back to the joke!
On car rides dad would always say this when we were going past a cemetery;
Dad: (Seriously) Did you know, that cemetery is the exact middle of.... (insert name of place we were driving through)?
Everyone else in the car: Wow, really?! (we had to sound surprised even if we knew what ensued)
Dad: Oh yeah, it's the Dead Centre (Dad laughing while the rest of us rolled our eyes).
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
"My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am."
It's Jake's birthday tomorrow. The big number 1!
He's our very big baby and the only child we have (at the moment). He gets spoiled rotten at the best of times... but on his birthday even more so!
I fashioned a bone shaped cake out of dog food which was a pleasant change from his dog cookies (he tells me) and thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping his present.
No I don't need psychiatrist help, I just love my little boy.
Love you Jakey! Happy birthday!
He's our very big baby and the only child we have (at the moment). He gets spoiled rotten at the best of times... but on his birthday even more so!
I fashioned a bone shaped cake out of dog food which was a pleasant change from his dog cookies (he tells me) and thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping his present.
No I don't need psychiatrist help, I just love my little boy.
Love you Jakey! Happy birthday!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Things I'm loving...
1) It's the last day of Term today! Ahhhh, weight off my shoulders that's for sure.
I also had to let go of my lovely class today as I need to go on maternity leave shortly and even though I was a little sad about it I am loving the fact I know they're going to have a good end of the year. I was very apprehensive about giving them up, and never more so than on Tuesday this week when I had to meet their new teacher. But after meeting him I'm very happy that they'll have a great end of year - yay!
2) Loving this cake! One of my little darlings bought it in for me this morning - amazing!
3) Loving having chosen a name for Little Miss. It won't be revealed until the big day BUT....I'm going to make her name out of buttons (see picture below) and have them in individual photo frames for her room door - holiday job. PS: K is not a letter in her name :P
4) Our big bed! This belly is getting bigger and I have no idea how we would have coped in a double bed.
5) Loving my new toy that finally arrived this week. Oh the possibilities. Sometimes I don't love something for what it does for me or how I can use it but for it's potential... at the mo it's only potential, give me a couple of weeks with nothing much else to do and we'll see (oh hello school holidays!).
Things i'm loving
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"Out of the mouths of babes"
Had an amazing staff meeting today. At the end of every term all the teachers at our school walk around the classrooms and each teacher talks about a celebration that they've had during the Term. I always love walking around the classrooms as I get heaps of ideas but I especially liked today as it was evident how far we had come with Inquiry learning. Go Team.
One of Mama Kat's writing prompts this week is;
On a piece of paper write down something that makes you happy...take a photo of your paper and wa la...there's your post.
And in our walk around the classrooms today I was gifted with something that made me very happy. One of our [what I call] little people classrooms had been doing an inquiry about day and night. One of them had this wonderful gem to say...
One of Mama Kat's writing prompts this week is;
On a piece of paper write down something that makes you happy...take a photo of your paper and wa la...there's your post.
And in our walk around the classrooms today I was gifted with something that made me very happy. One of our [what I call] little people classrooms had been doing an inquiry about day and night. One of them had this wonderful gem to say...
...I can't think of anything more true. <3
Monday, July 11, 2011
30 Reasons I can't wait to be a Mumma.

2) First steps.
3) First smiles.
4) First giggles.
5) First words.
6) Firsts...
7) Having tummy time with bubba.
8) Seeing Mr. Man be a dad.
9) Talking with Aunties about 'who she looks like'.
10) Baby smell, in my very own house!
11) Teeny tiny little feets.
12) Teen tiny little clothes, socks, shoes....
13) Learning lots of new things.
14) Meeting someone that is half me, half Mr. Man, that's gotta be a pretty awesome little person!
15) Bubba bath times.
16) Being able to buy cool toys.... for the baby of course.
17) Being able to watch kids movies without feeling like a big kid.
18) Snuggle time.
19) Bedtime stories.
20) Jolly jumper WITH song jumpy pad! Thanks Mum and Andrea. <3
21) Being able to say... "I made that! I gave birth to that, she came outta me!"
22) I will have a daughter.
23) The first time I get to hear her say 'Mummy' and 'daddy'.
24) Being able to teach mini me lots of things and seeing her learn.
25) Toddler years - baking, painting, crafts, getting messy.
26) Watching her grow, watching her change, watching her become a little person.
27) Being proud of every little thing she can do.
28) Being amazed by every little thing she can do.
29) Finally being able to use all this cool baby stuff I have!
30) I won't be pregnant anymore! Not for a wee while anyhow :P
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Silent Sunday x2
As promised here are two photos seeing I missed 'Wordless Wednesday' this week.
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Silent Sunday
Friday, July 8, 2011
Things I'm loving...
1) I've been chuckling at sayings and quotes that I've seen hanging about on Pintrest the past week. Here are some of my faves...
2) Giving some new photography things a go! It's very satisfying to take a good photo. Can't wait 'till this Little Miss comes to meet us so I can get some shots of her!
I've been quite inspired by a lot of sidewalk chalk photography I've seen this week and gave one a go myself. I would have preferred some larger shoes to do it with but I think you get the gist of what I was aiming for :).
3) I love when 2 of my most favourite things get smooshed together. Here we see when post its (organising being one of my favourite things) and nostalgia gaming meet. Lovely.
PS: If you can source me these I will repay you with copious cupcakes!
4) My beautiful sister. When someone isn't being all she should be and the rest of the immediate family seems like it's in turmoil I have you. <3 Love you lots! Hmm, Spiderman seems to come to all our family gatherings doesn't he?
Things i'm loving
Thursday, July 7, 2011
"Television: A medium - so called because it is neither rare nor well done."
I return again. This time I can't blame my slow internet but just my slow self, been incredibly busy the past few days and I'm upset that I even missed a 'Wordless Wednesday'. I will make it up by posting 2 photos on Sunday.
I come today bearing a list! There's nothing that I love more than a list for getting things done or compiling - great things!
A writing prompt from 'Mumma's losin' it' this week;
A list of 10 old TV shows you'd like to make a comeback
I'm afraid seeing my age that many of these will be cartoons, so bear with me. You might even be surprised :)
1) Denver the Dinosaur!
He is a dinosaur that skates... end of effing story.
Not to mention an electric intro!
2) Murder in Small Town X.
A little while ago I was talking about this programme trying to remember it's name. I'm one of these people who can't stand not remembering something so had to post a question on an internet forum which of course got me what I was looking for. Thank god for the internet!
Murder in Small Town X was probably one of the very first reality shows originally screening in the States in Mid 2001. The premise of the show was to drop 10 would be detectives into a faux fishing community to solve an acted murder.
It was very good really. Each week the contestants would complete challenges and find clues with 2 of the hopefuls going to secret locations and only one returning. The other having been 'offed' by the murderer.
3) Sailor Moon.
All the girls I knew, loved and wanted to be sailor moon or one of her Sailor friends. Mars was my lady. Since my innocent childhood days I've heard some pretty seedy secrets about our Sailor Moon - not cool!
Still love it regardless.
4) Samurai Pizza Cats.
I have no real idea what this cartoon was about. As with Denver it had an AMAZING intro, catchy as heck and I remember loving watching at. Viva la Samurai Pizza Cats!
5) Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Surprised? It must have first aired at least 30 years before I was born, it's in black and white and it hasn't even been on the TV in my lifetime. How on earth can I like this show?
My love of anything Alfred Hitchcock started when I saw the remade version of Psycho and in my 6th form year of school with taking Media Studies. What an amazing man. I came across this series after reading the book 1001 TV shows you should watch before you die (told you I like lists!).
Since reading that book I've bought Season 1, 2 and 3 on DVD and LOVE them. So clever. And what's better is that you can see the story lines and influences come out in many of today's shows and movies. Just shows how before his time he was.
Oh I almost forgot to comment on the little introductions by Alfred of every episode. This was the best part. Something I think TV now days is missing. LOVE! <3
6) Pee Wee's super fun house.
I have great memories of watching this at my Nana's house.
7) Full House.
Nostalgia packed sit com this one!
I might also add that 'Step by step', 'Family matters' and a few others fit into this category, including Fresh Prince of Bel Air (which I know plays reruns on Saturdays). I suppose everything needs to come to an end, and that's probably what makes us pine for them so much. Reruns = GOLD, keep '
em coming.

8) Saved by the bell.
This could probably have fit into the #7 but definitely deserved it's own place in my ten. This used to air on Saturdays when I was about 13 or 14 and I HAD to make sure I was home to watch it. Lol. Great little teen comedy.
9) The Addams Family.
I used to watch this as a kid - clearly reruns but still ever so relevant. Probably more so than some of the last few items in my list. I could watch the Addam's family over and over again and not get sick of it. Infact, I've done this very thing and found pointing out stuff like the lion at the top of the stairs shot coming on over and over again always makes me giggle.
10) Sex and the City.

I came across Sex and the City even after it had finished airing in NZ, quite a while after in fact.
Spurred on again by my 1001 Tv shows book I thought it was about time I gave it ago, and fell head over heels in love.
I'm not much into fashion or that sort of thing but the romantic plot lines, New York and the little bit of myself I could see in all of the girls.
VIVA LA Sex and the City... the movies just aren't cutting it I'm afraid.
See you tomorrow for 'Things I'm Loving'.
I come today bearing a list! There's nothing that I love more than a list for getting things done or compiling - great things!
A writing prompt from 'Mumma's losin' it' this week;
A list of 10 old TV shows you'd like to make a comeback
I'm afraid seeing my age that many of these will be cartoons, so bear with me. You might even be surprised :)
1) Denver the Dinosaur!
He is a dinosaur that skates... end of effing story.
Not to mention an electric intro!
2) Murder in Small Town X.
A little while ago I was talking about this programme trying to remember it's name. I'm one of these people who can't stand not remembering something so had to post a question on an internet forum which of course got me what I was looking for. Thank god for the internet!

It was very good really. Each week the contestants would complete challenges and find clues with 2 of the hopefuls going to secret locations and only one returning. The other having been 'offed' by the murderer.
3) Sailor Moon.
All the girls I knew, loved and wanted to be sailor moon or one of her Sailor friends. Mars was my lady. Since my innocent childhood days I've heard some pretty seedy secrets about our Sailor Moon - not cool!
Still love it regardless.
4) Samurai Pizza Cats.
I have no real idea what this cartoon was about. As with Denver it had an AMAZING intro, catchy as heck and I remember loving watching at. Viva la Samurai Pizza Cats!
5) Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

My love of anything Alfred Hitchcock started when I saw the remade version of Psycho and in my 6th form year of school with taking Media Studies. What an amazing man. I came across this series after reading the book 1001 TV shows you should watch before you die (told you I like lists!).
Since reading that book I've bought Season 1, 2 and 3 on DVD and LOVE them. So clever. And what's better is that you can see the story lines and influences come out in many of today's shows and movies. Just shows how before his time he was.
Oh I almost forgot to comment on the little introductions by Alfred of every episode. This was the best part. Something I think TV now days is missing. LOVE! <3
6) Pee Wee's super fun house.
I have great memories of watching this at my Nana's house.
7) Full House.
Nostalgia packed sit com this one!
I might also add that 'Step by step', 'Family matters' and a few others fit into this category, including Fresh Prince of Bel Air (which I know plays reruns on Saturdays). I suppose everything needs to come to an end, and that's probably what makes us pine for them so much. Reruns = GOLD, keep '
em coming.

8) Saved by the bell.
This could probably have fit into the #7 but definitely deserved it's own place in my ten. This used to air on Saturdays when I was about 13 or 14 and I HAD to make sure I was home to watch it. Lol. Great little teen comedy.
9) The Addams Family.
I used to watch this as a kid - clearly reruns but still ever so relevant. Probably more so than some of the last few items in my list. I could watch the Addam's family over and over again and not get sick of it. Infact, I've done this very thing and found pointing out stuff like the lion at the top of the stairs shot coming on over and over again always makes me giggle.
10) Sex and the City.

I came across Sex and the City even after it had finished airing in NZ, quite a while after in fact.
Spurred on again by my 1001 Tv shows book I thought it was about time I gave it ago, and fell head over heels in love.
I'm not much into fashion or that sort of thing but the romantic plot lines, New York and the little bit of myself I could see in all of the girls.
VIVA LA Sex and the City... the movies just aren't cutting it I'm afraid.
See you tomorrow for 'Things I'm Loving'.
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