Friday, August 21, 2015

Grateful Fridays

What a week. We've been full blast with party preparations and although I'm looking forward to the weekend it's going to be a busy one. I already have a a page full long list of things that I need to do beginning this afternoon as soon as I leave work this afternoon.

First and foremost, I'm grateful to have my wonderful husband back in the country. We didn't have a horrible week without him like I thought we might, but it's just nice to have his presence back in the house. We missed him. We love you dadda <3

I'm grateful for being able to zip back home and get photo day outfits when I forget them. Thank goodness for working 5 minutes from home now! Also grateful for the cutest girls in the whole wide world.

Feeling very grateful for amazing friends who are helping me out with the birthday party this weekend. I have one friend making a cake for a cake smash that I need to photograph and another coming to stay on Saturday night to help out with decoration, food prep and general shinanegans. I remember you ladies were also the ones who stepped up and ran the kitchen for me last year at Leah's birthday when I was as huge as a whale in my heavily pregnant state. You know who you are and you are just amaze sauce.

Grateful for raisins and their attention keeping capabilities. We had no tears and focus on the task at hand the whole hour we were at the restaurant. Success!

Grateful for helpful big sisters.

And lastly and most recently, I'm grateful for a hairdresser that can make me my hair look this good.

What are you grateful for this week? xox

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