Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 1

In the hopes of blogging on a more consistent basis (which FYI is one of my 52 goals in 52 weeks) I plan to do another 30 day blogging challenge, perhaps more than one (another goal). I was pleasantly surprised by so many examples on the net that it was difficult to choose just one!

The first I have chosen to do has some really interesting but easy to blog about topics (videos/photos etc) so I thought I'd ease myself into it with this one. Here we go!

 Day 1: Your favourite Song.

I haven't reviewed my favourite song in a while, this has just always been my favourite song. I love Green day and this song, being entitled '86' is my birth year...gotta love that.

This is what the song means....according to the internet.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, Kate. I plan to resurrect my blog in the coming holidays - amongst a few other things!

Ms. Kate said...

Glad to hear it <3

boysmum2 said...

Last year I did the A to Z challenge during April which involved blogging every day of April except Sundays. I did n't want to do it this year but I do need to get back into blogging and this 30 day challenge looks like a great idea. I look forward to seeing your future posts