Sunday, January 6, 2013

Yummy Ice pops

I have a very fond memory of hot summer days playing on the slip and slide in our backyard as a kid and mum bringing out a tray of home made ice pops for everyone to enjoy. Made from nothing else but cordial or fruit juice and we all loved them.

So today I bought a set of funky little ice pop moulds from Plastic Box. Only 6 bucks! That's just $1 an iceblock, wicked. It's the cutest set too.

And seeing as it's early January and everyone has a eating conscience this early in the year I got out the juicer and made our pops with 2 oranges, 2 peaches and 2 granny smith apples - YUM! Leah loved slurping up the leftover juice.

Here they are ready to go into the freezer. Like I freakin' cool are these moulds? I love them. Lets hope they do the job well.

And here they are out of the freezer and ready to eat. I thought they were delicious! So did Mr. Man. Leah although didn't like how cold they were so just wanted to eat the plastic end. Haha.

Too cold Mum!
Can anyone recommend any flavours to try out?

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