Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 2 - The Garage

The garage on our property is a 'No Kate Zone'. Mr. Man is an avid car enthusiast and his garage is where all this car enthusiasm goes. I go in now and again and help him give it a bit of a clean out, but nothing like I'd really like to do with the place. It's his little haven and I'm happy for it to stay that way.

The 'Man Cave' is another story. When we moved into this house the Man Cave was a place where we had the drum kit, a stereo, all of Mr. Man's car magazines and a couch. In between car ventures hubby would sit in there and dream and do whatever men do in their own company. Over time the man cave has become a storage area and has a bed, chilly bin, storage bins and all sorts of baby parafernalia. Poor Mr. Man, hopefully in our next house he will be able to have a space of his own.

So this is what the man cave looked like today when I got in there:

I couldn't even open the door completely and things were basically just piled on the bed in a haphazard way. Now I was under no illusions. We need most of this stuff to remain in storage, it's not just a general dumping ground but somewhere where we can store things that we will use in future. Because of this the finished product isn't exactly how I would like it but, as I've conceded in the past, we're having to make do with the space we have in this house and the plethora of knick knacks we have.

So after a shuffle round and getting rid of a few things - selling a couple of things and getting my mum to store a few things at her place (family bassinet), as well as pulling some things out that will be heading off to my classroom when I go back in the next couple of weeks. This is what I managed to get it looking like:

Not too bad really. We can walk in again at least. I also tried to make sure anything that we needed to get at to use was easily accesible. So this might help with it staying like this for longer. Fingers crossed!

Another week to cross off my 14 weeks of organising! YES!

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