Wednesday, January 30, 2013

5 Facts about my family

This post is inspired by a Mama Kat Prompt which was taken from Nice girl notes.

Here are 5 facts about our quirky little family.

1. We are a perfect triangle of earth signs - Me, capricorn; Damien, Taurus and Leah, Virgo. How cool is that? I often wonder if our imperfect balance will be thrown off when we throw another bubba or two into the mix.

2. Mr. Man and I bought our first house fairly young. I was 21 and he was 23. I have a habit of doing things at a young age - university at 17 and began my career as a teacher at 20, I don't like to wait around. We've lived in our house for 6 years in July, about time for a change I reckon!

3. We drink way too much of it. It's a bad habit but with very little calories I can never talk myself out of having it. Leah even loves coke zero, not that she ever gets much of it, she loves water a whole heap more. She is although allowed to drink little, teeny tiny bits when our cup is pretty much out, except for the last little Leah drops.

4. Mr. Man and I met at primary school. He does not remember me as I was two years younger than him but we were in the same class - a Standard 2/3/4 composite class. We even did a Flintstones drama sequence although I was Betty Rubble and he was Fred Flintstone.

5. We love to make up songs about what we're doing. Leah has taken to this with awesome gutso and sings along now and again. Mr. Man and I would sing little songs to each other when we were dating, we sing songs about housework, we make up songs when we're doing things with Leah - changing nappies, bedtime, bathtime....we sing about it all.

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