Friday, September 30, 2011

Things I'm loving...

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

1)  Loving the wonderful people that are STILL spoiling our little princess.  She recieved these two wonderful presents this week. Thank you Aunty Rob and Gwenda and DJ. <3

2) Speaking of gifts... bubba got a present from my good friend Nicola this week, they're now best friends.  Meet Monique Faye.. lol :D

3) Loving this cute little idea that I'm going to do with Little Miss.  A photo each month with these attached to her clothes.
4) Speaking of photographing bubba.  She has her very own 365 photo - a photo a day for a year.  Pretty cool way to document all the growing she's going to do if you ask me.  If you so wish you can keep up to date with it here....I update about once a week :D

5) Love getting parcels in the snail mail.  Even on top of all the gifts Miss L has been getting there was this from Nappies Direct. I joined the Club, paid $10 and got all these goodies PLUS a whole years worth of vouchers to use at nappies direct. LOVE!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Silent Sunday

A little late - these photos are getting hard!  I'm actually having to really think about it.

 Infact... I don't even think I've really achieved this criteria BUT I would like to look into doing Silhouettes a little bit more when I have some more time on my hands.  I've been meaning to have a play with silhouettes using the sunset (which I'm still to get a photo of!  The first sunny Wednesday or Sunday is going to be it!) but it will have to wait for now.

Here is my pitiful attempt, and shh don't tell but it wasn't even taken yesterday! It's one from the archives I've had a play with.

Day 15: Silhouette.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Things I'm loving...

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

Another week... here we go :)
1) Loving how lucky Little Miss has been.  She has been given so many presents over the last few weeks. We really loved the Hungry Caterpillar puppet book from Aunty Tracey, Uncle Damian and the boys and can't wait to be big enough to fit into the summer clothes Uncle Kevin sent over all the way from Australia.  Thanks guys!

 2) Loving having a little bit of time to get this done - cute! When posting it to facebook I said, "you know you miss work (teaching) when you set up your pantry like it was you maths trolley".

3) Loving how good this boy is looking.  He is starting to look less and less like a puppy but he's still my little boy!

4) Excited to be going to a parenting course with the Manukau Parenting Centre and having a new membership with them.
5) Love that Little Miss has "the moves like Jagger".

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where I'm from...

I am from summers dancing in the sprinkler,
from cabbage patch kids and trying to jump as far as we can off swings.

I am from the busy street, parks in both directions, the corner dairy, sweet and sickly.
I am from the daisy chains, towering trees, freshly cut lawns, the bird of paradise. Christmas lillies, clouds from our imaginations.

I am from rainy day monopoly and chunky thighs, from Allan and Isabel and Bev.
I am from the laughers and playing 'silly buggers'.
From "you're never dating until you're 30 aye?" and "if anyone's mean give them a knuckle sandwich".

I am from free spirits, open to make their own choices. Guided by good morals, hearty advice and lengthy teenage 'talks'.

I’m from Aotearoa sprinkled with Scot, Sunday Roasts and Raisin Whities. Baking with mum all day long and having it all vanished by the following day.

From the teenage lovers who made it work, the what became 'rough side of town', and the high street follies caused by naughty sons.

I am from fishing, Mt Camel, sandy toes and solar powered showers. A pie and a milkshake down at the wharf. A silly story and a warm cuddle on a lazy Sunday morning.
From happiness I was made.

And more recently: I am from silly songs and made up words, rottweiler kisses, our own sense of humour. Being taught guitar and snuggles on the couch. Making our own traditions, when two became three (with four legs) and then three became four. <3

Inspired here by Mama Kat.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Silent Sunday on Tuesday?

I promised I would do it...and better late than never!

Remember too that I've done a bit of a mix up of days as sunsets are a bit few and far between in September in NZ - pretty ones that is.  Day 12 has been missed out (for now), today I have Day 13 for you but I've already done Day 14 back here.
Day 13:  Yourself with 13 things.
What a difficult concept - I somewhat cheated and just did a part of me, along with 13 photos I'm hoping to take using Little Miss as the subject over the weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Things I'm Loving

This is still the only post I can manage at the mo.  It's been a busy week that's for sure!  But here are some promises;
- I will write at least 1 entry next week in addition to 'Things I'm loving'.
- I will start up my photography challenge again starting on Sunday.

I'm getting into a better routine with Little Miss now so feel I should be able to keep those promises... fingers crossed!

And on to those wonderful things I'm loving...

1) I've written about him before but my goodness I have the BEST husband that ever walked this earth.  He has been absolutely amazing with both hormonal me and the gorgeous Little Miss, both last week when he was off work to help me and this week when he has gone back to work.

I had a fairly hard day on Wednesday with a spitty up bubba and just generally being a worrysome first time mum.  Mr. Man came home from work with me in tears and when asked what was wrong I replied with a very hormonal "I don't know, I'm just sad".

He was amazing.  I got cuddles and told I was the best mum ever then later in the night when I fell asleep on the couch he looked after bubs and got everything ready for bed time.  BEST. HUSBAND. EVER.
Love you hunny!

2) Staring into these long lashed gorgeous eyes.

3) Still having time to make some yummy things for the fore mentioned gorgeous husband.  He had been hinting about this slice from 'Food in a minute' for a week or so now.

4) Love these shots that my wonderful friend Lynn took when I popped into work on Tuesday.  The smiley one is my favourite by far.

5) I also got some creative juices flowing on the photography front.  Thanks yet again to pinterest for the inspiration.
6) I also love the beautiful bangle Little Miss was given today. Thank you to my lovely sister and mum <3

Friday, September 9, 2011

Things I'm loving...

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is. 
Linking up over at Paisley Jade's.

I know I missed what has become my only entry at the moment - my weekly 'Things I'm loving'.

What some of you who have been following the blog might know is that last Friday when I should have been writing that post was our due date for Little Miss.  Well, I like to be very spot on with all I do and in good fashion I went into labour on the 1st of September (last Thursday) at 11pm.  Hoping to give birth on the due date of the 2nd I was far too busy last Friday with...other things.

So my 'Things I'm loving' this week is dedicated to the beautiful new little lady in my life...
I love her more than I have loved anything and it's only been a week.
Here she is...

And a few photos from our first week together.
