Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 23: 15 facts about me

1. I am 27 years old.

2. I cry at anything nowadays - youtube clips with pet reunions, shows about rottweilers, anything about children - you name it, I cry at it.

3. My favourite food is strawberries, although I don't usually like strawberry flavoured things.

4. I have three tattoos - Leah's birthdate and skull, my stars on my wrist and a bow behind my ear.

5. I can recite pretty much the whole script of 'Pulp Fiction'.

6. I don't understand the stock exchange.

7. I'm ready for Baby #2!

8. I've clocked an insane amount of Super Mario games and will talk for hours about this subject.

9. I have recently rediscovered reading and am a proper bookworm again.

10. I find it really hard to relax.

11. I've just been accepted to Te Wananga Aotearoa and will be studying Level 2 Te Reo come July.

12. My feet are size 8.

13. I love naughty children.

14. I throw my dog birthday parties (only small ones) that involve cake and presents.

15. My favourite gaming console is Nintendo and my favourite game of all time is Pikmin.

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