Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weekly 10 - The Sequel

As I said yesterday, I may not have had a Weekly 10 list for a little while, but I've been busy in between lists. In the last week I have...
  • Booked time for my next tattoo and emailed the artist my ideas
  • Done more than 20,000 steps each day (I did close to 120k in the workweek)
  • Met with my Kaitiaki and got started on my new Open Wananga course - Hei Papa Tikanga
  • Got a good chunk of Module 2 begun on my university maths paper 
  • Wrote Willow's birthday letter
  • Finished 'Cross Stitch' and 'Play dead'.
So I'm quite happy with myself. Let's see what's happening this week.

1. Write Leah's birthday letter.
2. Take Willow and Leah's tradition birthday photos & do Leah's birthday quiz.
3. Go for a walk in the weekend.
4. Find a costume for Danielle's party.
5. Make slice for workmates.
6. Make a list of things to do in the coming holidays.
7. Organise get together in the holidays.
8. Call McDonalds about Leah's party.
9. Map out 30 before 30 goals between now and January.
10. Finish Willow's Shutterfly book.

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