Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 18: 15 things that irritate me about the opposite/same sex.

Day 18: 5 things that irritate me about the opposite/same sex.

I don't believe in stereotypes. There are too many men in the world to say that they're all addicted to breasts or gaming and too many women in the world to say that we're all neurotic or wear too much make up.

So for this reason I have a list of 5 things that I hate in people, no matter what sex they are.

1. Judgemental people.
I hate judgement of others. To think you're better than someone else because they choose to live their life a different way than you or than you think they should is ridiculous. To have your own opinion on things is fine, to press them on others or to make others feel guilty/wrong/shamed because of their thoughts and actions is pathetic. What a little person you must be to do this.

2. Discrimination.
Along the same lines as the last. I'm a big believer in 'everyone to their own' and will not treat someone differently on the basis of their religion/sexual orientation/gender/age/race etc. It's all one big melting pot people. Accept everyone for who they are! End of!

3. People who are rude to those who wait on us.
I hate people who are not nice to waiters, attendees at retail places etc. HATE IT!

4. Those who neglect or abuse animals or children.
Absolutely no reason whatsoever for this. None. You are scum. End of.

5. Those who think so highly of themselves.
Being confident is one thing. Thinking you are the best thing on offer since sliced bread is a complete other. Be humble.

And a 6 in their just for good luck, I hate negative people.

Wow, how hateful am I? To counter balance this... I love people who are positive, those who see the best in others, those who are balanced, those who see people as individuals, I love teachers - especially those who see beyond the 'stories' of children's past and only see the child in front of them, I love those who help me see the best in myself and help me to see the best in others, I love those that encourage other people, I love creativity, I love confidence, I love thoughtfulness, caring and happy people. 

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