I've been very neglectful of my blogging fans. And I'm very sorry.
.... but I have good news, well, a couple of good newses (is that even a word?) actually!
#1. We sold our house! And we bought a new one! Which we absolutely love. So if you must know where I've been, this photo illustrates pretty well where I've been.
#2. And to be honest I don't know which I'm more excited about...
Looky at what I have here. Still haven't used it yet. It's going to look so so awesome in my new kitchen. Swoon! It's a new colour called 'espresso' which is like a chocolate brown. So in love!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Things I'm Loving
Not every day is good but there is something good in every day...or every week in this case!
Well it has been a FULL ON week around here - back at school after the holidays, going unconditional on our house (almost, waiting for a phone call anytime now...), trying to get all our things ready and our ducks in row to buy a new house (yes we found one and yes it's awesome!) and all the other normal stuff - ya know, running a household and being a mum. Full on, that's for sure....but I like it that way.
That's what I wrote last week and didn't get around to posting.
This week however I haven't been loving much. Little Leah was very ill and in hospital which equals tired (and very very worried) mummy and daddy for a good portion of the week.
I must say though that I was absolutely loving the staff at Starship hospital here in Auckland - you guys rock. You tried your darndest to make a very scary experience not so scary for our favourite little girl, and for that we thank you <3.
That's what I wrote last week and didn't get around to posting.
This week however I haven't been loving much. Little Leah was very ill and in hospital which equals tired (and very very worried) mummy and daddy for a good portion of the week.
I must say though that I was absolutely loving the staff at Starship hospital here in Auckland - you guys rock. You tried your darndest to make a very scary experience not so scary for our favourite little girl, and for that we thank you <3.
Loving the amazing workers at Starship hospital, especially the Play Specialists (what a cool job hey?) that helped Leah forget all her troubles and draw the afternoon away in the play room. |
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Loving watching little miss tuck in to some long awaited (over 24 hours) lunch. |
Things i'm loving
Monday, May 13, 2013
Day 22: An open letter
Dear you,
Can we both remember to talk to each other nicely please. There's no need to call names and raise voices.
30 day blogging challenge
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
"I'm being followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow."
Day 20: The meaning behind your blog name.
Naming my blog was a really difficult exercise. It took me a whole week prior to opening the account humming and harring about what it should be.
The inspiration for the name came from this song in the end.
Naming my blog was a really difficult exercise. It took me a whole week prior to opening the account humming and harring about what it should be.
The inspiration for the name came from this song in the end.
30 day blogging challenge
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Day 18: 15 things that irritate me about the opposite/same sex.
Day 18: 5 things that irritate me about the opposite/same sex.
I don't believe in stereotypes. There are too many men in the world to say that they're all addicted to breasts or gaming and too many women in the world to say that we're all neurotic or wear too much make up.
So for this reason I have a list of 5 things that I hate in people, no matter what sex they are.
1. Judgemental people.
I hate judgement of others. To think you're better than someone else because they choose to live their life a different way than you or than you think they should is ridiculous. To have your own opinion on things is fine, to press them on others or to make others feel guilty/wrong/shamed because of their thoughts and actions is pathetic. What a little person you must be to do this.
2. Discrimination.
Along the same lines as the last. I'm a big believer in 'everyone to their own' and will not treat someone differently on the basis of their religion/sexual orientation/gender/age/race etc. It's all one big melting pot people. Accept everyone for who they are! End of!
3. People who are rude to those who wait on us.
I hate people who are not nice to waiters, attendees at retail places etc. HATE IT!
4. Those who neglect or abuse animals or children.
Absolutely no reason whatsoever for this. None. You are scum. End of.
5. Those who think so highly of themselves.
Being confident is one thing. Thinking you are the best thing on offer since sliced bread is a complete other. Be humble.
And a 6 in their just for good luck, I hate negative people.
Wow, how hateful am I? To counter balance this... I love people who are positive, those who see the best in others, those who are balanced, those who see people as individuals, I love teachers - especially those who see beyond the 'stories' of children's past and only see the child in front of them, I love those who help me see the best in myself and help me to see the best in others, I love those that encourage other people, I love creativity, I love confidence, I love thoughtfulness, caring and happy people.
I don't believe in stereotypes. There are too many men in the world to say that they're all addicted to breasts or gaming and too many women in the world to say that we're all neurotic or wear too much make up.
So for this reason I have a list of 5 things that I hate in people, no matter what sex they are.
1. Judgemental people.
I hate judgement of others. To think you're better than someone else because they choose to live their life a different way than you or than you think they should is ridiculous. To have your own opinion on things is fine, to press them on others or to make others feel guilty/wrong/shamed because of their thoughts and actions is pathetic. What a little person you must be to do this.
2. Discrimination.
Along the same lines as the last. I'm a big believer in 'everyone to their own' and will not treat someone differently on the basis of their religion/sexual orientation/gender/age/race etc. It's all one big melting pot people. Accept everyone for who they are! End of!
3. People who are rude to those who wait on us.
I hate people who are not nice to waiters, attendees at retail places etc. HATE IT!
4. Those who neglect or abuse animals or children.
Absolutely no reason whatsoever for this. None. You are scum. End of.
5. Those who think so highly of themselves.
Being confident is one thing. Thinking you are the best thing on offer since sliced bread is a complete other. Be humble.
And a 6 in their just for good luck, I hate negative people.
Wow, how hateful am I? To counter balance this... I love people who are positive, those who see the best in others, those who are balanced, those who see people as individuals, I love teachers - especially those who see beyond the 'stories' of children's past and only see the child in front of them, I love those who help me see the best in myself and help me to see the best in others, I love those that encourage other people, I love creativity, I love confidence, I love thoughtfulness, caring and happy people.
30 day blogging challenge
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Mahatma Gandhi “The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Day 17: How you hope you future will be like.
Last year for one of my 101 challenges I complete the Life Circle Writing Tasks. It focusses some of your long term goals and ensures that you're working toward a future that you're happy with. It's counter productive to keep doing what you've always done but expecting different results. Action is the key in my opinion.
It was great. I actually needed a reminder to go back and have a look at what I wrote and what I want to get back on board with here. So this was a good opportunity.
So life circle works like this.
The 'wheel of life' is cut into 8 parts. Each part represents one of the significant parts of your life, as shown above. You then score each section 1 to 10 and comment on each to show yourself which aspects of life you're currently happy with and which you would most like to work on. Then, using this as a basis you write what you want your life to look like in 5 years, under these 8 headings. From there you break this down to what this will look like in shorter periods of time if you're working toward this 5 year goals - what will this look like in 2 years? 1 year? 6 months? I totally recommend doing it. It was really telling and made me do some in-depth thinking making me super happy with the end result and my movements towards it.
So... some of my things? Here's a brief look into what to expect of me in 5 years:
Last year for one of my 101 challenges I complete the Life Circle Writing Tasks. It focusses some of your long term goals and ensures that you're working toward a future that you're happy with. It's counter productive to keep doing what you've always done but expecting different results. Action is the key in my opinion.
It was great. I actually needed a reminder to go back and have a look at what I wrote and what I want to get back on board with here. So this was a good opportunity.
So life circle works like this.
The 'wheel of life' is cut into 8 parts. Each part represents one of the significant parts of your life, as shown above. You then score each section 1 to 10 and comment on each to show yourself which aspects of life you're currently happy with and which you would most like to work on. Then, using this as a basis you write what you want your life to look like in 5 years, under these 8 headings. From there you break this down to what this will look like in shorter periods of time if you're working toward this 5 year goals - what will this look like in 2 years? 1 year? 6 months? I totally recommend doing it. It was really telling and made me do some in-depth thinking making me super happy with the end result and my movements towards it.
So... some of my things? Here's a brief look into what to expect of me in 5 years:
- Leah will be at school and we'll have another little friend who's about 2 or so...Shivers, better get on to this soon....
- I will still be teaching but in some sort of different position - librarian, ICT specialist, working with both leading students and teachers.
- I will be a healthy weight.
- I will be more comfortable and happy with my appearance.
- I will be an awesome mum, making sure my kids have awesome experiences and know that mum is there for them always, no matter what.
- My house will be super organised and neat...most of the time.
- We will have a bigger house with a nice yard and some outside playing gear for the kids.
- We will be house proud on many levels.
- We will live from a budget and have a healthy savings account.
30 day blogging challenge
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Lasagne Bolognese
BEST.LASAGNE.EVER! Make it, I dare ya!
Lasagne Bolognese:
6 slices of pancetta (I used standard bacon and it was delicious)
1 large white onion
1 medium carrot
2 celery stalks
1 kg Mince
2 cups milk
60g butter
2 cups beef stock
1 cup wine of your choosing
410g can tamoato puree
2T tomato paste
1/4 cup chopped parsley
8 fresh lasagne sheets
2 cups grated cheese
White sauce
125g butter
3/4 cup flour
5 cups hot milk
1. Cook pancetta in lightly oiled large pan, stirring until crisp. Add onion, carrot and celery. Cook, stirring until the vegetables soften. Add mince and cook until mince browns. Stir in milk and butter and cook until liquid reduces by half. Add stock, wine, puree and paste; simmer, uncovered for approx 1/2 hour or until liquid becomes thick. Stir in parsley.
2. Preheat oven to moderately hot (200 degree celcius)/ Grease a deep 26x35cm baking dish.
3. Make white sauce ( melt butter in a medium saucepan, add flour; stir until mixture forms a smooth paste. Gradually stir in milk; bring to boil, stirring until sauce thickens). Spread about 1/2 a cup of the white sauce over the based of the dish, layer 2 pasta sheets, one quarter of the meat sauce and one quarter cup of the cheese and about 1 cup of remaining white sauce. You will have four layers like this in total. To lasagne with remaining cheese.
4. Bake lasagne, uncovered, in oven about 40 minutes or until top is browned lightly. Stand 15 minutes before cutting.
Lasagne Bolognese:
6 slices of pancetta (I used standard bacon and it was delicious)
1 large white onion
1 medium carrot
2 celery stalks
1 kg Mince
2 cups milk
60g butter
2 cups beef stock
1 cup wine of your choosing
410g can tamoato puree
2T tomato paste
1/4 cup chopped parsley
8 fresh lasagne sheets
2 cups grated cheese
White sauce
125g butter
3/4 cup flour
5 cups hot milk
1. Cook pancetta in lightly oiled large pan, stirring until crisp. Add onion, carrot and celery. Cook, stirring until the vegetables soften. Add mince and cook until mince browns. Stir in milk and butter and cook until liquid reduces by half. Add stock, wine, puree and paste; simmer, uncovered for approx 1/2 hour or until liquid becomes thick. Stir in parsley.
2. Preheat oven to moderately hot (200 degree celcius)/ Grease a deep 26x35cm baking dish.
3. Make white sauce ( melt butter in a medium saucepan, add flour; stir until mixture forms a smooth paste. Gradually stir in milk; bring to boil, stirring until sauce thickens). Spread about 1/2 a cup of the white sauce over the based of the dish, layer 2 pasta sheets, one quarter of the meat sauce and one quarter cup of the cheese and about 1 cup of remaining white sauce. You will have four layers like this in total. To lasagne with remaining cheese.
4. Bake lasagne, uncovered, in oven about 40 minutes or until top is browned lightly. Stand 15 minutes before cutting.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Day 16: Short term goals
“Aim higher in case you fall short.”
What a great way to look at things!
I have always been a keen user of goals and to do list etc. I love being able to cross something off my list and yes, I'm even guilty of writing something on a to do list that I've already done, simply to cross it off!
You can see my goals from last year on my 101 Challenge page and from this year on my 52 goals in 52 weeks page.
This month though? I've been quite preoccupied with house selling and buying. Basically with these bigger year long challenges I cut them down. During each month I try to nail 4 or 5 and by the end of the year it will equal all 52. This month with the holidays involved I've sat and obtained my full driver's license as well as come a long way in getting some of the other stuff done - baking, putting stamps in an album etc. All with the help of what I call 'weekly 10' lists. 10 things that I want to achieve in a week. Some of the things specifically relate to my yearly goals to make sure I get these done, other things are what I really should be doing, like uni assignments etc and some are just plain fun; one this week is painting my nails.
Goals in OCD form. Gotta love it. lol
What a great way to look at things!
I have always been a keen user of goals and to do list etc. I love being able to cross something off my list and yes, I'm even guilty of writing something on a to do list that I've already done, simply to cross it off!
You can see my goals from last year on my 101 Challenge page and from this year on my 52 goals in 52 weeks page.
This month though? I've been quite preoccupied with house selling and buying. Basically with these bigger year long challenges I cut them down. During each month I try to nail 4 or 5 and by the end of the year it will equal all 52. This month with the holidays involved I've sat and obtained my full driver's license as well as come a long way in getting some of the other stuff done - baking, putting stamps in an album etc. All with the help of what I call 'weekly 10' lists. 10 things that I want to achieve in a week. Some of the things specifically relate to my yearly goals to make sure I get these done, other things are what I really should be doing, like uni assignments etc and some are just plain fun; one this week is painting my nails.
Goals in OCD form. Gotta love it. lol
30 day blogging challenge
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Day 15: Things you never leave the house without
Day 15: Something that you don't leave the house without.
I always take my handbag with me.
I more often than not cannot leave the house with my wallet, it does have my license with me.
And lastly, I always have to have my iPad with me. Heavens to betsy that I have to be waiting somewhere and I'm without kindle app to pass the time!
I always take my handbag with me.
I more often than not cannot leave the house with my wallet, it does have my license with me.
And lastly, I always have to have my iPad with me. Heavens to betsy that I have to be waiting somewhere and I'm without kindle app to pass the time!
30 day blogging challenge
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Day 14: A TV show I'm addicted to
Day 14: A TV show that you're currently addicted to.
I'm not sure why but I'm a wee bit ashamed to say that I'm addicted to... Storage Wars. Mr Man and I have even concocted a plan by where we leave our little life here in Auckland for a star studded and 'wow factor' life of storage warring it in LA. We can dream can't we?
To be completely honest I don't get addicted to TV shows all that often, especially when I was only able to watch them week to week. I don't do well with that. In this day and age though I'm able to get addicted and watch all episodes one after the other with the help of streamed television via our Apple TV (a device which Isometimes love more than my husband).
Over the years I've become addicted to and watched the back catalogue (marathon style) of Sex and the City, True Blood, American Horror Story and most recently last winter, all 6 (very long) seasons of LOST.
And that's where you come in! It's getting cold around these here parts again and daylight saving has meant that we're shutting up shop around 6pm. Once Leah goes to bed it's a great time to get 3 or 4 episodes of a TV Series in and True Blood Season 6 isn't out in the states until July.
So which series should we do this winter? Which would you recommend? I've got my eye on 'Supernatual' but I don't think Mr. Man will get into it. Come on ideas people!
I'm not sure why but I'm a wee bit ashamed to say that I'm addicted to... Storage Wars. Mr Man and I have even concocted a plan by where we leave our little life here in Auckland for a star studded and 'wow factor' life of storage warring it in LA. We can dream can't we?
To be completely honest I don't get addicted to TV shows all that often, especially when I was only able to watch them week to week. I don't do well with that. In this day and age though I'm able to get addicted and watch all episodes one after the other with the help of streamed television via our Apple TV (a device which I
Over the years I've become addicted to and watched the back catalogue (marathon style) of Sex and the City, True Blood, American Horror Story and most recently last winter, all 6 (very long) seasons of LOST.
And that's where you come in! It's getting cold around these here parts again and daylight saving has meant that we're shutting up shop around 6pm. Once Leah goes to bed it's a great time to get 3 or 4 episodes of a TV Series in and True Blood Season 6 isn't out in the states until July.
So which series should we do this winter? Which would you recommend? I've got my eye on 'Supernatual' but I don't think Mr. Man will get into it. Come on ideas people!
30 day blogging challenge
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