Monday, June 18, 2012

Lace Crown

From pinterest to my kitchen table in less than a week!  How clever am I?

I originally found this idea here. I had to change some slight things with how I made it as the spray stiffener isn't avaliable where I shop for craft things (or in NZ at all possibly... over the last week I've found we're very limited with things around here :().

So... to start, you'll need some lace of your choosing, fabric stiffener and a flower or other embellishment. You are allowed to giggle at the brand name of the fabric stiffener :D....I did... many times.

With this fabric stiffener you need to soak the lace until it's well coated then dab off the excess.  Once that's done fashion it into the style you want (in this case a crown) and voila - done!

I'm not 100% happy with my crown but will hopefully get some photos with bubba wearing it soon for your paroosal. I'm sure there's some other things to make with this stuff too... watch this space!

1 comment:

Neetz said...

*smirk* ... not at YOU ... just the name of that stuff.....LOL!!

"That's wuuuude isn't it?" lol