Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly 10 round up and Ka kite for a weeny bit

Woah, that was aaaages ago. Story of the blog at the moment. More about that to come, lets see how I actually went with the list.
1. Complete appraisal learning stories
2. Do the calf club thing
3. Amy's 30th!
4. Take some sweet photos of Damien doing his stunt driving
5. Get things printed for physical baby books and get them up to date
6. Do some more of the advanced google course
7. Watch 'MKR'
8. Watch 'The Walking Dead'
9. Watch 'American Horror Story'
10. Have a nice hot, relaxing bath.

Still in the pursuit of getting these baby books up to date! I have made a start! And, not only did I do more of the Level 2 google course - I nailed the exam and now and both a Level 1 and 2 certified google educator. Excited!

The next is that I'm taking this year's summer break a whole month early. I am keeping the girl's pages up to date and will be back with a hiss and a roar in January, but I never wanted this to become a chore and it's been hanging over me lately. I'm giving myself 2 months off to focus on the 30 before 30 goals and just spend some time doing what I usually do but not writing about it....until January where I'll fill you in.

Have a great couple months for the start of summer, today feels like it's already begun at our house <3

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