Friday, November 1, 2013

My Comeback

I haven't written a post for almost a month, I've stopped my photo a day challenge that I do with Fat Mum Slim on facebook and I am feeling very, very guilty about both things.

I've been flat. I don't know any other way to explain it. I have had absolutely Zero drive to do any of the things I usually love. I've haven't even really taken many photos in general over the last little while. When I force myself to do these things. I do feel good... but it's been really hard to push myself to do any of it lately.

I don't know what brought it on. I don't know how to shake it. I don't know when I will stop feeling like this. I'm hoping that writing this post will break the cycle and I will want to continue to write more after this. I am determined to complete my 52 goals this year as much as I can and I'd really like to begin on a new list. But, as I said, motivation is nil.

I have been ticking along with my goals.

I have ordered my iPhone and it will be in my hot little hands before the end of the month.
I've also been working on the recipe mag goal and chugging through those... as can be seen in the new recipes goal list..

Am hoping the dark clouds will lift soon...I'm getting really freaking sick of it!


Anonymous said...

Let go of the guilt, you are not hurting anyone by taking a break! I gave up so many of the things I loved when I was in a slump, and while they have come back, it's not been with the same frequency as before and hey, that's OK too. Life evolves. Different things take up the spots in our lives. And different things might press your buttons when the cloud buggers off!

Unknown said...

I agree - sometimes things just get a bit much and you need a break! I have three children and a husband, was working two jobs and volunteering at Plunket and for school. Everything was going smoothly ... until it wasn't. Then a couple of weeks ago I got out of bed and just felt 'right' again :)
It took about two months for my cloud to move on, and yours will pass as well, just be kind to yourself .... we'll still be here when you get back :)