Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly 10

“It is not enough to be busy... The question is: what are we busy about?”

I've been feeling pretty down and out this week - deflated! I have been very lacklustre in everything I've done. Don't ask me exactly what it is, I couldn't tell you, but I'm hoping the funk lifts soon, just riding it at the moment.

I tell you this as my list this week was very flimsy and I still didn't accomplish much from it. One thing I can actively do to sort out this funk is clean, as embarrassing as it sounds. Cleaning makes me feel happy. So next week will be full of cleaning and organising things. Woo hoo!

1. Complete maths assignment and send in. Not done yet, will complete tonight (it's due tomorrow).

2. Read. Did this mostly Saturday but did other smatterings through the week.

3. Blog x2 I did none this week but am doing one now and then scheduling some

4. Take down pom poms Sunday

5. Relax every night Now this I did. But not the kind of relaxing that I prefer. I just felt lazy.

6. Excercise x3 Done big fat none.

7. Go through RSS feeds Have begun.

8. Make 52 in 52 plan Nope.

9. Tracking eat everyday Only did Monday.

10. Make meat ball dish Tuesday.

Man I feel bad... and so I should. Let's hope this week I'm more focussed.

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